Monday, September 29, 2008

Music Monday - Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602)

While not terribly seasonally appropriate, "Now is the Month of Maying" was the first song The Monday Madrigal Madres sang together at the first ever meeting of the group. We may have to change the name should the co-op's one baritone commit to singing the bass part (you know who you are--otherwise one of the ladies will have to continue singing that part). This particular madrigal had the happy coincidence of having five parts for the five of us that showed up to sing, and it is probably the madrigal I am most familiar with, having listened to this recording on The King's Singers Madrigal History Tour CD many, many times in the past several years:

Thomas Morley
is probably the best known English composer of madrigals. He lived at the same time as Shakespeare and has the distinction of being one of two composers of the period whose settings of Shakespearean verse still exist.

Ladies, you did a great job! Music readers and sight singers all, what a treat! I can't wait until next week.


MP said...

I do want to be a part of the Monday Madrigal Madness. I will have to see how I can fit in a nap in that time-slot as well...

- the sole man (get it, get it?!)

Christina said...

Monday Madrigal Merriment is more like it! It was fun today.

MP said...

'Twas, 'twas!