Monday, March 07, 2011

Book Sharing Monday - Hanne's Quest

Olivier Dunrea has been a favorite in our house for some time.  His Gossie series is not to be missed for young children, and Bear Noel is a perennial Christmas read-aloud for us.  But the first book of the author's that we ever came across was Hanne's Quest.

This dense picture book tops out at about a hundred pages, so it's not one we've gobbled up in one setting.  But the story of Hanne and her adventures is rich and well worth diving into!  All ages will enjoy this tale.

Book Sharing Monday is hosted by Canadian Home Learning.  Drop by and share what caught your eye this week, or get some new titles for your library queue!

1 comment:

l said...

I don't think we have ever come across this author..thanks for introducing him to us! I am off to the library website ;)