The Lady and the Poet
, by Maeve Haran. It was really the cover that caught my attention, but this description--
Set against the sumptiousness and intrigues of Queen Elizabeth I's court, this powerful novel reveals the untold love affair between the famous poet John Donne and Ann More, the passionate woman who, against all odds, became his wife.
--from inside the dust jacket didn't hurt.
The Letters of Fanny Hensel to Felix Mendelssohn
, collected, edited, and translated by Marcia J. Citron. While I'm focusing on a single year in Mendelssohn's life for my own personal study, I find the collection representing twenty-six years of letters between the siblings fascinating reading.
The Life of Mendelssohn
, by Peter Mercer-Taylor. Well written and easily digested by music lovers, this book makes me feel almost as if the author had known the composer personally. Very engaging!
, by Danielle Trussoni. Recommended by a friend and fellow YA reader. Thanks, Laura--I needed something to read after I finish the latest Amelia Peabody book. Or maybe even before, if the story doesn't get going soon.
The Thrive Diet
, by Brendan Brazier. The updated paperback from 2008 is titled
Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life. While I don't think I'll ever label myself an athlete (does sitting on a balance ball to type count?), this book is making a lot of sense so far. Can
a pair of running shoes
be far behind?
Visual-Spatial Learners
, by Alexandra Shires Golon. Written for the classroom teacher, this book may offer some visual-spatial strategies we can use here at home. Here's hoping.
Different Minds--Gifted Children with AD/HD. Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits
, by Deirdre V. Lovecky. A Providence, RI child psychologist,
Dr. Lovecky was mentioned in the same breath with
Brock and Fernette Eide in a message on a 2-E (twice exceptional) email list I'm on. Since she's much closer to us than the Eides, I thought that reading her book might give me an idea of whether or not she or her resource center might be helpful to us in the future.
The Thich Nhat Hanh Collection
: Peace is Every Step, Teachings on Love, and The Stone Boy and Other Stories. Another friend reminded me of this famous Buddhist author when she mentioned another of his books:
Old Path, White Clouds
. I've had the collection for years and decided to finish reading it before moving on to the other title recommended by my friend. The section in
Peace is Every Step on mindful eating has made me look not only at my food differently, but also at the people eating with me around the table with new eyes.
The Ninth Daughter

, by Barbara Hamilton. First in a new series featuring Abigail Adams as the unlikely sleuth setting out to clear her husband's good name after a murder is committed.
A Traveller in Time
, by Alison Uttley. This author was recommended on the Secular Charlotte Mason yahoo group, and I'm pretty sure I read the book as a child. I've gotten it from the library as a possible summer read-aloud, though its story of a girl who can see other layers of time may be too spooky for one of my three kiddos.
Oooh, love the new look!
Thanks, Sheila! I was just happy Blogger added some double-sidebarred blog templates so I didn't have to take the time to learn more HTML to do so, myself.
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