This history core is literature-based, which means I'll be reading aloud a lot more this coming year than I did this past year. That's another one of those things that has to be scheduled in for me not to let it slide when life gets in the way. The older two kids get to read more, too, which shouldn't be a problem as they are both very avid readers.
Of course, I can't resist tweaking somewhat. My three kids have two 3.5-year spaces between them, so no one level is going to be perfect. I'm trying to hit the middle of the older two's levels (circa 5th grade--DD has a July birthday and would be in 4th this year, and DS #1 has a January birthday and would be in 7th), with substitutions made as needed. Folktales are a must, IMO, and the package has practically none. And the core we've chosen, Sonlight Core 5, must be secularized in order to meet my needs and those of my family. But I'm already well underway with those specific substitutions and should have all my ducks in a row by the time the big yellow bus starts picking up the neighborhood kids again.
Our plans for fall, as they currently stand--
Jazzman (age in September - 12.5):
Language Arts:
Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts, probably the "Town" level, some of which he may find fairly easy, but I've been advised this would be a good place to start, even if we breeze through it quickly. Jazz looked at the samples online and was enthused (not a regular occurrence during his pre-adolescence, I must say), especially about the poetry books.
A friend and I have been talking about getting our twelve-year-olds together for some hands-on science projects to go with The Story of Science
??? I can't decide if Jazz should continue on with RightStart and do the last level--the geometry course--or if he should transition into a different program that will reinforce the fundamentals he's learned. I need to start paying attention on the Homeschooling Creatively list (which is largely for hs parents of right-brained or non-linear learners) when math for older kids comes up now, I guess.
The aforementioned Sonlight Core 5, which focuses on the Eastern Hemisphere. I talked with both of the older two about our options (American History for a year or the countries of Asia, et. al.) and the more exotic choice was the overwhelming favorite with both kids. We are substituting Sonlight's Eastern Hemisphere Explorer with suggestions from a poster on the Well-Trained Mind Forum (Enchantment of the World
Foreign Language:
Instant Immersion Japanese
JaneG. (age in September - 9):
Language Arts:
JaneG. will continue with First Language Lessons
Either Living Learning Books Chemistry (which I have on hand from when Jazz did it four years ago) or Oak Meadow Environmental Science if Jazz is joining us.
JaneG. has decided she wants to learn her multiplication tables this summer, so we are going to be working on this project and playing some games to help her along with that goal. If she manages to learn them pretty well, we may try to slide right into RightStart Level D.
Sonlight Core 5, with selections from these books that I posted about last Book Sharing Monday plus other world folk tales taking the place of any readers or read-alouds that I think might be beyond her, either emotionally or intellectually.
Foreign Language:
Look for a post this coming Monday on why JaneG. and I want to learn Italian. We may make the endeavor a family affair, but will be starting slowly with something like Italian for Children
J.J. (age in September - close to 6):
J.J. hasn't done much in the way of formal schooling at all yet, but he may be ready for some slow and steady phonics via The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading
Hey--I think I've just completed my education plan for 2010-2011. ☺ I'll substitute real names for the (new) nicknames and pop them in the mail, once I've completed this past year's progress reports. Though perhaps I should settle on a math curriculum for Jazz first. Sending them in this early in the summer might be a new record for me. I'm pretty sure last year's went in, oh, about two weeks before the public schools in our town were back in session.
That's one of the reasons I love working with home schooling parents. They have the freedom to choose. When something works, they can keep it. When they feel it needs change, they have the ability to examine and make the changes. They do not require several levels of government or even private school sanctioned permissions to make the changes they know are needed for the kids.
It sounds like a great plan. Have fun with it.
Thanks, Bailey! Reading back over it, it really is a work in progress, but what we have going so far should be fun for all of us.
That sounds like a really good plan Christina! Love the varied feel of it all. All the best and I look forward to reading how it works for the kids!
I can't imagine anything *more* "less is more" than Sonlight lol, Fiddler.
I think you're right about the idea of spending less time planning and researching, and more time learning with the kids. That's where I was trying to guide that discussion, especially for those new to hs'ing and/or CM, and tend to get swamped and paralyzed by all the ideas and book lists -- including Sonlight's! -- looking for the "very best" living books and how-to methods, and end up spending more time planning and less time with the kids.
How wonderful to have the plans in place so you can all enjoy your summer!
Suji and Becky, thanks very much for the kind comments. I need to stop tweaking and really go enjoy the summer, now!!!
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on my planning post!
Teaching Textbooks has been a treasure at our house. My dd (12) likes math and I don't. She has really enjoyed learning with this mix of textbook and the cd-roms. The lecture is great, the practice exercices too. She tries and if she happens to get the exercice wrong, the cdrom tells her how it should be done, not just the answer.
My son is actual looking forward to math this year! He is more like me, math and him are not buddies.
Anyway..I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading The Story of Science by Joy Hakim. I read it for myself, to really see how it could be used in our homeschool. It is great! I wrote a tiny bit of a review here:
Thanks for sharing your plans, I really enjoy reading these. Have a great new homeschool year!
There are times when I briefly think "We don't need anything! Just a few library books and maybe a reference text!" because it IS so overwhelming contemplating all the stuff out there, not to mention all the stuff that is produced in the time between when you bought that stuff and now. There's too much stuff.
Of course, that's how I feel when I'm in the grocery store some days: there is TOO much choice some days. I'm paralyzed with it.
I had a look at your plan for JaneG (9). My daughter will be 9 soon. Apart from History (we will read Gombrich) and Latin, we will do much the same. We did a bit of Italian for Children before we visited Italy for a holiday. For science we'll read Bill Bryson's 'A Really Short History of Nearly Everything'. For Art, 'The Story of Art'. There is so much lovely stuff, I have a hard time to schedule the coming year with the 'Less is More' principle in mind.
Wow, it looks like we have some similar ideas for the 12-year-old crowd! We will also be using Michael Clay Thompson's materials, a "core" for history - Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Settlement - and a selection of books for science. We are focusing on physics and astronomy this year.
I have the first Hakim Story of Science book, but I am not sure where to fit it in our science studies over the next couple of years. I am not sure that one ds is quite ready for reading it on his own and I don't have time to make it a read-aloud with working full-time. I already have to do read-alouds for history/literature.
Decisions, decisions! I look forward to reading more of your blog now that I have found it!
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