I'm in the process of replacing some books within Sonlight's Core 5, which is probably the hardest Core to secularize, due to the emphasis on missions and missionaries. I picked a good one to start with, it seems. But the subject matter (the Eastern Hemisphere) held the most appeal for my kids, and the non-missionary books all seem to be excellent titles, so away we go!
Here is what I've got so far:
To replace 100 Gateway Cities and the Unreached Peoples dvd, we're going to use
Material World: a Global Family Portait
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
Women in the Material World
Houses and Homes around the World
, and possibly some of
Michael Palin's Around the World in 80 Days
, which is currently available through Netflix streaming.
To replace or supplement (I haven't decided which yet) Sonlight's
Eastern Hemisphere Explorer, I'm looking at
McDougal Littell's Eastern Hemisphere middle school text, the
Enchantment of the World series
, and/or the
Trail Guide to World Geography
. The 2003 version of the McDougal Littell student text is available chapter-by-chapter in a pdf version

Another book we'll be substituting that is central to this core is called
Exploring Planet Earth. We already have the
Usborne Explorers
book, so we'll use that, but I'm planning to take a look at
Around the World in A Hundred Years

Explorers Who Got Lost
, and the NatGeo publication
Exploration Experience
, which uses primary source materials and reminds me of those 'ology books that were so popular a few years ago (though it's not listed in the children's section).
From what I can tell without the Instructor's Guide in front of me just yet,
Torches of Joy is one of the first read-alouds, if not the very first. The book tells of the Dani people of Irian Jaya, who were a Stone Age tribe that first came into contact with "modern" people in 1960, from the perspective of a missionary couple who traveled there to convert the native people to Christianity. While there does seem to be one secular children's book about the Dani (
The Fighting for Survival: the Dani of Irian
, by Liz Thompson, 1998) , it is OOP and not available anywhere that I could find. I'm thinking there must be a National Geographic issue about the tribe from the 1960's, but my cd-rom drive is down so I can't check our
Complete National Geographic (Every Issue Since 1888)
. So far I am planning to substitute with Indonesian folktales such as
The Gift of the Crocodile
(an Indonesian

Cinderella story),
The Adventures of Mouse Deer
Indonesian Children's Favorite Stories
, and possibly parts of
Child of the Jungle
, a true account of the daughter of linguist parents who grew up among the Fayu tribe in western Papua New Guinea, and with websites like
this one from PapuaTrekking.com and a DVD called
Cosmos Global: Dani
, which claims to be "global edu-tainment."
More at a later date. . .
Thanks so much for this post. We are going to use Winter Promise this year but I keep going back to the Sonlight catalog because of the great literature. We used Core k and 3 a few years back. I like core 5 but could never get past all the religion. Thanks for all the titles! Now if we do it I can replace things!
Thanks for this post. I am having trouble getting excited about next year, and I think part of the reason is that I don't want to study ancient history again. I keep coming back to Sonlight Core 5, but I am having trouble making it secular. Your post has inspired me. I already have purchased Glencoe's The World and Its People, Eastern Hemisphere to base our studies around. I am trying to decide if I need Sonlight's Eastern Hemisphere Explorer. Anyway, thanks for all your recommendations. I am going to check them out now.
Danette and Tadtown, thanks very much for stopping by! I hope to post some more books for Core 5 this weekend. I've been out bookstore hopping. : )
even tho' i'm late to the party, i'm here. a few paragraphs from 2010 and i'm in; so many wonderful ideas/suggestion. i like to thank/give credit when i stumble across something so thank you very much for the help...lst yr. homeschooler here.
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